My new perspective on improvement: A shift toward Coaching

While 2019 was a great year for my business as a Teaching Professional, I found myself exhausted as the fall drew to a close.  Too many days filled with hustling from one hour long lesson to the next had left me with no gas in the tank and more importantly not as much success for my students as I wanted. With the help of some very smart people I’m making a shift this year, a shift toward what I believe (and am already seeing) will help my students improve their scores as well as get more of what they want out of their game.  Put simply, I want to become less of an instructor and more of a coach for my clients.  I’ll be teaching technique just as I always have for the past ten years, but more than ever before it will only be one piece of the pie.  Management (emotional and mental), strategy, goal setting and a sense of shared purpose and community are things that I experienced as an NCAA Division I college golfer.  I want to help put my players in that type of vehicle so that they can get more of what they want out of golf.  While everyone is looking for something different, sharing the journey is, I believe, the fast track reaching their individual goals.